The Istituto degli Innocenti is a Public Sector Company providing Care Services (ASP) as per Regional Law no. 43/2004, art. 32.

The organisation and structure of the Istituto degli Innocenti are regulated by the following instruments:

Regional Law (Tuscany) no. 43/2004;

Statute of the Istituto degli Innocenti;

Regulations on Organisation approved by the Decree of the President of Tuscany’s Regional Council no. 263/2006).

The Statute has been amended over time to respond to regulatory changes to the context in which the Institute has operated since its foundation. A series of regulations approved by the Board of Directors guides the actions of the various levels of responsibility within the Institute.

The Regulations on Organisation is based on the founding criteria of the Institute that include the principle of separation between the policy-making and control powers of the Board of Directors and the management responsibilities of the technical-administrative functions.

Statutory Bodies


Board of Directors

Board of Auditors

The Chairperson and the Board of Directors are the governing bodies as they set the political and administrative direction of the Institute. The Chairperson, who is the Institute's legal representative, acts as a link between the activities of the Board of Directors and those of the organisational structures, with the Director General as her/his interlocutor.

The Board of Auditors consists of 3 members: 2 members are appointed by the Regional Council and 1 member by the Board of Directors. Its task is to supervise the Institute's accounting and financial management.

Organisational Structure

The Institute is divided into Areas, Services, Functional Coordination and Project Units.

Areas and Services are permanent units ensuring the exercise of institutional or ongoing functions and activities.

Functional Coordination and Project Units are temporary teams, working towards the implementation of long-term strategic programmes or projects.

Organisation Chart

Each Area is run by a Manager who is appointed by the Board of Directors. Areas are divided into Services with each Service headed by a Manager who is appointed by the Area Director.

Social Report and Accounting

As required by regional regulations, the Institute has adopted an economic accounting system governed by the Accounting Regulations and has been drawing up a Social Report since 2009.

Transparent Administration

The content of its Transparent Administration is updated in compliance with the reference reference standards. Pages show the dates of their latest modifications, documents show their dates of production, and open data show the date of the latest (automatic) updates of the datasets.

Last update: 04/23/2024 - 12:22