Since 2018, the Institute has enjoyed a stable partnership with the Italian Authority for Children and Adolescents to carry out research, study, monitoring and analysis activities and, more generally, exchange knowledge on childhood and adolescence.

The publications produced for the Italian Authority consist of studies and documents, in the form of reports, with plenty of facts and data. They are an up-to-date source for the development of the Ombudsperson's activities (reports, recommendations, study and research documents).

cove della pubblicazione I diritti dei bambini spiegati ai bambini

Children's rights explained to children

A brochure aimed at primary and secondary school teachers to support them when talking to children about their rights

Documentation Training and promotion
cover del report sul Diritto all'ascolto delle persone di minore età

Children’s right to be heard in court

Report on the results of the survey promoted by the Ombudsperson for Children and Adolescents to understand how listening is performed and what…

Research and monitoring Publishing
cover del documento di studio sull'Inclusione e partecipazione delle nuove generazioni di origine immigrata

Inclusion and participation of new generations of immigrant origin.

Study and proposal document on Inclusion and participation of new generations of immigrant origin

Documentation Publishing
cover del documento di proposta La tutela degli orfani di crimini domestici

The Protection of Children Orphaned Because of Domestic Crime

Study and proposal document aimed at identifying the real needs and requirements of children orphaned because of domestic crime

Documentation Publishing
cover del documento di studio e proposta sul Diritto al gioco e allo sport

The right to play and sport for children and young people with disabilities

A study document mapping the state of the art of the right to play and sport for children and young people with disabilities

Documentation Publishing