European project on reception of foreign minors in Europe, involving Italy (with the Institute as lead partner), Greece and Bulgaria.


Profuce (Promoting Foster Care for Unaccompanied Children in Europe) is a project financed by the European Commission to involve an increasing number of foster families and give new tools to parents and social workers to deal with foreign minors arriving in Europe.

Profuce provides for campaigns to recruit foster families (with an expected total number of 280 parents) and training courses for social and family professionals to be coordinated in Italy by the Istituto degli Innocenti.

The Istituto degli Innocenti is the lead agency for Italy. It also participates in the action with the Municipality of Florence, the SOS Village of Vicenza Onlus and other organisations in Greece and Bulgaria.


Contact person
Raffaella Pregliasco
Responsabile di Servizio

Last update: 03/03/2023 - 16:49