This volume illustrates the cultural, historical and artistic heritage of the Museo degli Innocenti.

copertina del volume Il Museo degli Innocenti

The publication traces the history of the Museo degli Innocenti and describes the rich heritage offered by the three current thematic routes: history, architecture and art.

The history section illustrates the evolution of the Hospital, from its origins to the 20th century, through works of art, archive materials, biographies and accounts of those who lived here.

The section on architecture includes the famous Loggiato (Exterior Gallery) by Filippo Brunelleschi and the monumental courtyards of the Institute, which we can now admire in their original appearance after centuries of transformations linked to the requirements associated with hosting children.

The Art Gallery, above the Loggiato, displays the art collection of the Istituto degli Innocenti: over 80 works dating from the 14th to the 17th centuries. Artists include Sandro Botticelli, Domenico Ghirlandaio, Piero di Cosimo, Luca and Andrea della Robbia. Beyond the Gallery, the Coretto di preghiera (the nurses’ prayer room) houses devotional and liturgical objects used in the past by the great Innocenti family.

The volume can be purchased in the Museum Bookshop.

It is available for consultation at the Innocenti Library and in its online catalogue.

Note di edizione

Edited by Stefano Filipponi, Eleonora Mazzocchi, Ludovica Sebregondi

ISBN 978-88-7461-307-6

Last update: 01/20/2023 - 18:11