Report on the training course aimed at nursery school educators of the Lazio region to learn how to detect the first symptoms of autism

cover del report sul corso di formazione sull'Autismo

Autismo: osservare per intercettare i precursori. Corso di formazione per gli educatori degli asili nido del Lazio

The report outlines the content of the training course on autism addressed to nursery school educators in the Lazio region. The training course is the result of the collaboration project between the Ipab Asilo Savoia and the Istituto degli Innocenti, and the agreement to support and monitor those renewal projects in the field of educational and social policies aimed at children and families that the Lazio Region has put together in the so-called ‘Pacchetto Famiglia’ (Family Package).

Note di edizione

Authors: Lazio (Region, Italy), Savoia Nursery School (Rome, Italy)

Edited by: Istituto degli Innocenti

Publisher: Istituto degli Innocenti

ISBN 8863740771, 9788863740776

Last update: 01/20/2023 - 12:44