Collecting and organising data, documents, laws and projects to monitor the condition of children, young people and families over time and supporting the planning of services and measures.

Mani che digitano su un computer portatile. All'immagine si sovrappongono ologrammi con simboli del linguaggio digitale

Thanks to its integrated documentation, research and monitoring functions, the Istituto degli Innocenti guarantees an organic framework of regulatory, statistical and bibliographical information and tools to find out about the condition of children, young people and families in Italy and the state of implementation of policies aimed at them.

The data banks mainly relate to the functions of the National Centre for Documentation and Analysis on Childhood and Adolescence (Law no. 451/97) and the Regional Centre for Documentation on Childhood and Adolescence of the Region of Tuscany (Regional Law no. 31/2000). Specific agreements with local and regional organisations may provide for further in-depth studies.

Data Bank on Laws and Regulations

nuvola di tag banche dati

It contains laws and regulations organised according to international (United Nations-UN and Council of Europe-CoE), European (European Union-EU), national and regional levels on issues related to childhood and adolescence. Laws and regulations come from official sources and specialised databases. The data bank can be consulted from the Discovery section of the Innocenti Alfredo Carlo Moro Library of which it makes up the Legal Catalogue section. A bulletin with new legal provisions is produced monthly.

Data Bank on Statistics

nuvola di tag banche dati

It collects and publishes original statistical data or analyses from official sources.

In close relationship with the Innocenti Museum, the Regions and local organisations, this data bank produces an annually updated map of childcare, welfare and health services, and resources allocated to children at national, regional and local levels.

It analyses the conditions of childhood and in doing so it also integrates data and evaluates the implementation and impact of policies.

Data Bank on Statistics

nuvola di tag banche dati

It contains national and international paper and electronic documents (monographs, periodicals, multimedia materials). Catalogue descriptions are accompanied by abstracts and indexes. This data bank can be consulted from the Discovery section of the Innocenti Alfredo Carlo Moro Library, of which it makes up the Bibliographic Catalogue section. A bulletin with the new bibliographical entries is produced monthly.

Data Bank on ‘285’ Projects (Childhood and Adolesc

Provided for by Law no. 285/97 'Provisions for the promotion of rights and opportunities for children and adolescents', this data bank brings together the projects for children and adolescents implemented by those municipalities that are identified by the law itself, and financed by the Italian National Childhood and Adolescence Fund.

National Data Bank on Foster Care Centres and Expe

It collects information on good practices and public and private centres or services dealing with foster care in Italy. This data bank helps with the mapping of public and private organisations operating in Italy and provides interested parties with details of services and organisations closer to them.

NoteUseful links

Data Bank on Projects for Childhood and Adolescenc

It collects projects of regional interest aimed at protecting social citizenship rights of minors and families. These projects are promoted and implemented with the contribution of the Social Area of the Region of Tuscany.

Data Bank Monitoring Family Policies

It collects and enables geo-referenced navigation on the national territory with detailed information on local good practices within the framework of family policies implemented with funds from the Department for Family Policies.

Last update: 01/20/2023 - 12:07