Over the many centuries of its history, the Istituto degli Innocenti has always been able to count on private citizens, organisations, associations and businesses. They have all guaranteed support over time for the activities in favour of children carried out by this ancient Florentine institution.

Today, the Institutecan be supported in various ways.


The Istituto degli Innocenti is a public sector Company providing Care Services that is entitled to receive donations for its activities. Whether for specific or general purposes, donations contribute to: a) improving services and projects for children and single mother families who live in care centres; b) supporting activities to protect, develop and promote the Institute's great historical, cultural and artistic heritage and assets; and c) backing its research, documentation and training activities aimed at promoting the rights of children and adolescents.

Donations are totally altruistic acts of generosity and made without there being any direct or indirect benefit for donors.

For cash donations, go to the Pagamenti Spontanei (Spontaneous Payments) section of the Iris PagoPA platform (https://iris.rete.toscana.it/public/elencoEnti.jsf?m=4). Click on Istituto degli Innocenti ASP and then on Donazioni (Donations).

For donations of properties, bequests or for information, please contact the General Secretariat Service, IT systems andInnocentiMuseum within the Institute’s General Management (email segreteriagenerale@istitutodeglinnocenti.it ; tel.: +39 055 2037399 ext. 329).


Unlike donations, sponsorships are payments which, although freely made, are likely to produce a financial benefit for the donor in terms of public image.

The Institute identifies projects and activities that can be sponsored and assesses proposals freely submitted by external parties.

If the value of a sponsorship exceeds € 40,000, a public call for project is issued.

Please check the "Bandi e concorsi " section of the Italian website https://istitutodeglinnocenti.portaletrasparenza.net/it/trasparenza/bandi-di-concorso.html, to see if there are any active sponsorship notices.

For information and contacts: General Secretariat Service, IT systems and Innocenti Museum - General Management (email: segreteriagenerale@istitutodeglinnocenti.it ; tel.: +39 055 2037399 ext. 329).

Fondazione Istituto degli Innocenti ETS

The Innocenti Foundation, a non-profit organisation, was set up in 2016. Its main purpose is to support and sustain the activities of the Istituto degli Innocenti, in particular those aimed at assisting children and families in difficulty, and promoting and upholding children's rights. The Foundation can also carry out its work by supporting research and information initiatives encouraging greater focus on childhood, adolescence, families, motherhood and the condition of women in society.

Furthermore, the Foundation supports and promotes cultural activities as well as the development and popularisation of the Institute's historical, archival and monumental heritage and assets. It also launches initiatives to find the necessary resources to develop its projects.

"Adopt a token" is the fundraising campaign launched by the Foundation in support of the Institute's project for the conservation, protection and enhancement of identifying tokens - the small objects left to boys and girls when they arrived at the old Hospital - through the archival reorganization, the inventory and digitization of the documents connected to them (such as the register of admission of children to the hospital): the images created and the related metadata will gradually be entered into a digital display case which will allow them to be viewed and consulted by the web, further spreading its knowledge. With a donation it is possible to support the archiving, cataloging and digitization of one or more identifying tokens and related documents. The information to join the campaign is available on the dedicated page of the Foundation's website .

For further information on the Foundation’s activities and projects, please consult: https://www.fondazioneinnocenti.it/

Contact: segreteria.fondazione@istitutodeglinnocenti.it; tel. +39 055 2037124.

The Products of the ProFili Workshop

Thanks to the support of businesses in the Florentine area, energised by the strength of voluntary work and the involvement of mothers living in residential care centres, the ProFili Workshop is in a position to offer sewing courses, tailoring services, clothing repair and embroidery. The Workshop also offers small accessories and gifts for special occasions including scented miniatures of a copy to scale of one of Andrea Della Robbia's putti, the symbol of the Institute. This is an exclusive product made entirely in the Workshop and packaged for special occasions and for party favours to celebrate births and weddings.

The products are available at the Bookshop of the Innocenti Museum (Piazza SS. Annunziata, 13) and can also be made on request.

All proceeds are donated to the Rondini Project whose aim is to support and promote independence for mothers with children and mothers-to-be living in residential care centres.

For information, please contact the Education and Care Service (email: educazioneaccoglienza@istitutodeglinnocenti.it ; tel.: +39 055 2037299).

Volunteers of the Spedale degli Innocenti

The Spedale degli Innocenti VolunteersAssociation has been working at the Institute for almost thirty years. The Association supports various residential centres (Casa Bambini,Casa Madri, Casa Rondini and Nuova Casa Rondini) by participating in numerous projects to assists in the growth and independence of their guests.

Volunteers work very closely with the Institute’s Education and Care Service that is also in charge of coordinating their activities.

Volunteers contribute by:

  • Offering children the opportunity to enjoy experiences and activities that are different from those in care centres. Volunteers also do this by taking children out; these outings are agreed with the educators and the children’s social service contacts and are included in their educational plans;
  • Offering support to mothers or family units at specific times of the day and accompanying them when they are accessing various services in the area;
  • Collaborating with the educational staff on specific activities such as taking children to “protected” meetings with the parent who does not live with them (this is done on request), accompanying them to health visits, and supporting children and mothers during hospitalisation;
  • Supporting women following pathways for social inclusion and initiatives to foster aggregation organised by the Rondini Project, and actively participating in these pathways and initiatives;
  • Organising charity and fundraising events for children and mothers in difficulty;
  • Contributing to awareness-raising among citizens.

For information, please contact


the Education and Care Service (email: educazioneaccoglienza@istitutodeglinnocenti.it; tel. no.: +39 055 2037299).

Last update: 02/09/2023 - 09:47