A pathway developed with the technical and scientific assistance of the Istituto degli Innocenti to support the Zerosei integrated system of the Municipality of Nuoro.

immagine di bambini che giocano per evocare il tema del sistema integrato zerosei

The Istituto degli Innocenti and the Municipality of Nuoro have signed a cooperation agreement to implement activities to support the development of the integrated education and training system from birth to six years of age in the Sardinian municipality.

The agreement provides for the following activities:

1. Actions to support the governance functions of the Municipality of Nuoro;

2. Actions to support the functions of the Area Pedagogical Coordination Unit (Cpt);

3. Actions to qualify the Zerosei educational and teaching staff.

The first group of activities includes, inter alia, monitoring the Zerosei integrated system and the experimentation of forms of aggregation between crèches and pre-schools in order to set up children centres.

The activities to support the functions of the Area Pedagogical Coordination Unit - a crucial governance tool to develop and qualify the integrated system of 0-6 educational services - include conducting meetings with the Cpt, organising an exchange programme of visits between the various centres offering children services and updating the Nuoro Municipality's Zerosei Services Charter, an important information tool for families. The document, which is the result of the participatory work of the entire coordination group, outlines how crèches and preschools can be accessed and how they function. It also describes individual centres operating in the Municipality of Nuoro.

Activities aimed at qualifying Zerosei educational and teaching staff include, in addition to training courses for educators and teachers, promoting and supporting educational continuity projects and participation in public initiatives organised by the Municipality of Nuoro to document and relaunch ongoing activities.

Contact person
Maurizio Parente
Responsabile di Servizio

Last update: 03/03/2023 - 16:59