The New Guidelines are an easy-to-read tool to guide the activities of accredited bodies during the most important stages of intercountry adoption procedures.

cover delle Nuove linee guida per gli enti autorizzati

Nuove linee guida per gli enti autorizzati

The New Guidelines for Authorised Bodies are an easy-to-read tool to guide the work of these bodies during the most important stages of intercountry adoption procedures.

The guidelines were first adopted by the Commission for Intercountry Adoptions in 2005 in order to harmonise in a single document the guidelines emanating from the provisions of law in force at the time with those that had emerged in practice.

The reason behind updating the Guidelines was the need to take into account the evolution and significant medium-term changes that have taken place both in Italy and in the countries of origin of adopted children. These changes that have characterised not only the strictly legal sphere but also the political, social and economic spheres.


Last update: 01/20/2023 - 12:45