Study and proposal document aimed at identifying the real needs and requirements of children orphaned because of domestic crime

cover del documento di proposta La tutela degli orfani di crimini domestici

La tutela degli orfani di crimini domestici

The document was produced by a working group created within the National Council of Associations and Organisations - set up and chaired by the Ombudsperson for Children and Adolescents - with the scientific and technical support of the Istituto degli Innocenti.

The study aims at identifying the real needs and requirements of children who have been orphaned following domestic crimes, the good practices in this area and the critical points of the protection system. Its conclusions contain the recommendations of the Ombudsperson addressed to the institutional and non-institutional actors of the system in order to ensure that the protection of these highly vulnerable people is effective. In fact, timely care and all-round support are the basic premises to offer a future to children and young people, with solutions that can lead to rebuild a family and social network.


Last update: 01/20/2023 - 17:33