Publications on the Care Leavers Project
Publications and information material on the Care Leavers Project - Experimentation of interventions in favour of those individuals who, on reaching the age of consent, live outside their families of origin following a court order
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Pubblicazioni sul progetto Care leavers
On the basis of a cooperation agreement with the Directorate General for Poverty Alleviation and Social Planning of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, the Institute offers technical assistance for the experimentation of actions related to the Care Leavers Project.
The Project's aim is to accompany young adults who have been in communities or foster care (so-called care leavers) towards independence by creating the necessary support to enable them to gradually build a future for themselves. The Project also guarantees individualised and participatory plans that support them in the delicate transition phase from the reception and protection system (communities for minors and/or foster families) towards independent living.
The publications produced to document the Project, its development phases and outcomes, and a guide mainly addressed to young care leavers outlining and explaining, in simple and clear terms, the content and activities of the experimentation, are part of these activities.
Last update: 01/20/2023 - 17:50