Crescere insieme servizio giocare insieme

Activities and games for children, meetings for parents and training for operators: Crescere Insieme Growing Together), the project resulting from the collaboration between the Region of Tuscany and the Istituto degli Innocenti of Florence aimed at supporting parenthood is back after the summer break and is being strengthened.

The service, created as part of the activities of the Regional Documentation Centre for Childhood and Adolescence, was launched last winter. It is intended to be an important point of reference for current and future parents, but also a valuable tool for professional development for all health, social and educational operators in Tuscany. The Crescere Insieme service, which is entirely free of charge, is part of the 0-6 Innocenti Children’s Centre. It was conceived as an experimental project to offer integrated support and become an important resource for families and professionals working in the childcare sector.

The new 2023/2024 season confirms last year’s programme consisting of four different types of activities for children, parents and operators. Participation in activities for children and meetings for adults is free of charge, but reservations are appreciated. You can register by sending an e-mail to More information can be found at

Primi passi insieme (First steps together) is the service for expectant and new parents with children aged between 0 and 12 months. During pregnancy, First Steps Together aims at addressing educational and psychological issues, taking into account the needs and expectations of parents-to-be. After the birth, parents will be supported by educators from the Istituto degli Innocenti to discover and cultivate their special relationship with their children through tactile and sound exploration games, reading, manipulation, infant massage and other activities. Activities are scheduled every Friday in the Birillo nursery.

On 17 October the Giocare insieme (Playing Together) service will be available again with its activities for children aged 12 to 36 months. Children will be able to play freely in the area specially dedicated to them together with their parents or other accompanying adults. Activities are scheduled every Tuesday afternoon in the Birillo nursery.

The series of meetings Conversare insieme (Talking together) is a service for parents and other adults caring for children and adolescents, with the aim of promoting reflexivity and discussion. The meetings, introduced by professionals, experts and researchers from the Istituto degli Innocenti, take place in the Poccetti room of the Institute from October to June in the afternoon of the second Wednesday of the month. The programme includes topics such as the role of emotions in the growth of children and parents (9/11), the second child (10/1/2024), children's body awareness (14/2), multiple models of masculinity (13/3), playing and toys in early childhood (10/4), education in the use of the internet, social media, television and electronic games (15/5) and children's literature and illustrations (12/6).

Finally, the last component, i.e., Formarsi insieme (Training together), a service aimed at health, social and educational operators based in Tuscany who work at various levels to support families. In particular, the aim of the service is to consolidate Family Centres as places where parents can find assistance on different needs and where participation and active citizenship can be expanded. In this regard, a seminar will be organised at the end of November for the area contact persons in charge of Family Centres' projects.

Last update: 01/19/2024 - 16:43