The Merchant, the Hospital, the Children.
Francesco Datini’s bequest, Santa Maria Nuova and the Establishment of the Innocenti Institute
Catalogue of the exhibition on the care system in Florence between the 14th and 15th centuries and on the establishment of the Spedale, held at the Istituto degli Innocenti from 27 November 2010 to 1 May 2011
Area di attività

The publication and the exhibition aim at contributing to the reconstruction of both the care system in Florence between the 14th and 15th centuries, and the events that led to the foundation of the Innocenti, starting from the bequest made by Francesco Datini, a merchant from Prato who in 1410 left one thousand florins to the Hospital of Santa Maria Nuova.
The events concerning the bequest and the establishment of the Innocenti are then reconstructed and put in relation with the general tendency towards the specialisation of welfare activities that during the 15th century took hold in Florence and beyond.
This journey ends with a look at the more recent history of the cultural heritage of Santa Maria Nuova and the Innocenti and their future.
The volume is available at the Innocenti Library and can be consulted in its online catalogue.
Edited by Stefano Filipponi, Eleonora Mazzocchi, Ludovica Sebregondi
Last update: 01/20/2023 - 18:12